205 lines
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\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, draft=true]{article}
\usetikzlibrary{calc, 3d}
legend image code/.code={
\draw[mark repeat=2,mark phase=2]
plot coordinates {
(0.0cm,0cm) %% default is (0.3cm,0cm)
(0.0cm,0cm) %% default is (0.6cm,0cm)
\begin{axis}[tick style = {draw = none}, width = \textwidth,
height = 0.7\textwidth, ymin = 0.92, legend style={at={(0.9825,0.75)},anchor=north east},
xlabel = {epoch}, ylabel = {Classification Accuracy}]
\addplot table
[x=epoch, y=val_accuracy, col sep=comma, mark = none]
\addplot table
[x=epoch, y=val_accuracy, col sep=comma, mark = none]
\addplot table
[x=epoch, y=val_accuracy, col sep=comma, mark = none]
%\caption{Classification accuracy}
\begin{axis}[tick style = {draw = none}, width = \textwidth,
height = 0.7\textwidth, ymax = 0.5,
xlabel = {epoch}, ylabel = {Error Measure\vphantom{y}},ytick ={0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.45,0.5}, yticklabels =
\addplot table
[x=epoch, y=val_loss, col sep=comma, mark = none] {Data/adagrad.log};
\addplot table
[x=epoch, y=val_loss, col sep=comma, mark = none] {Data/adadelta.log};
\addplot table
[x=epoch, y=val_loss, col sep=comma, mark = none] {Data/adam.log};
\caption{Performance metrics during training}
\begin{tabu} to \textwidth {@{} *3{X[c]}c*3{X[c]} @{}}
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Classification Accuracy}
&~&\multicolumn{3}{c}{Error Measure}
\caption{Performace metrics after 20 epochs}
\caption{Performance metrics of the network given in ... trained
with different optimization algorithms}
\caption{The MNIST data set contains 70.000 images of preprocessed handwritten
digits. Of these images 60.000 are used as training images, while
the rest are used to validate the models trained.}
\begin{scope}[x = (0:1cm), y=(90:1cm), z=(15:-0.5cm)]
\node[canvas is xy plane at z=0, transform shape] at (0,0)
\node[canvas is xy plane at z=2, transform shape] at (0,-0.2)
\node[canvas is xy plane at z=4, transform shape] at (0,-0.4)
\node[canvas is xy plane at z=4, transform shape] at (-8,-0.2)
\caption{On the right the red, green and blue chanels of the picture
are displayed. In order to better visualize the color channes the
black and white picture of each channel has been colored in the
respective color. Combining the layers results in the image on the
\begin{axis}[enlargelimits=false, ymin=0, ymax = 1, width=\textwidth]
\addplot [domain=-5:5, samples=101,unbounded coords=jump]{1/(1+exp(-x)};
\begin{axis}[enlargelimits=false, width=\textwidth]
\addplot[domain=-5:5, samples=100]{tanh(x)};
\begin{axis}[enlargelimits=false, width=\textwidth,
ytick={0,2,4},yticklabels={\hphantom{4.}0,2,4}, ymin=-1]
\addplot[domain=-5:5, samples=100]{max(0,x)};
\begin{axis}[enlargelimits=false, width=\textwidth, ymin=-1,
\addplot[domain=-5:5, samples=100]{max(0,x)+ 0.1*min(0,x)};
\addplot [domain=-5:5, samples=101,unbounded coords=jump]{1/(1+exp(-x)};
\addplot[domain=-5:5, samples=100]{tanh(x)};
\addplot[domain=-5:5, samples=100]{max(0,x)};
\addplot[domain=-2*pi:2*pi, samples=100]{cos(deg(x))};
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