created file fot theo3.8

Tobias Arndt 5 years ago
parent 4426d68ec5
commit e2df388229

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\newcommand{\plimn}[0]{\plim\limits_{n \to \infty}}
%Arndt Tobias \hfill 21.12.2017\newline
%\textbf{Seminar Machine--Learning: Unsupervised %Learning} \newline
%Institut für Mathematik der Universität %Augsburg\\
%Lehrstuhl für Rechnerorientierte Statistik und %Datenanalyse\\
{\huge{Electricity Price Forecasting based on Regression Tree Models}}
% Theorem 3.8
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With the following Theorem we will have an explicit desrctiption for the
limes of RN as the amount of nodes is increased.
\begin{Theorem}[Ridge weight penaltiy corresponds to adapted spline]
For arbitrary training data \(\left(x_i^{train}, y_i^{train}\right)\) it holds
\plimn \norm{\mathcal{RN^{*, \tilde{\lambda}}} - f^{*,
\tilde{\lambda}}_{g, \pm}}_{W^{1,\infty}(K)} = 0.
\tilde{\lambda} &\coloneqq \lambda n g(0), \\
g(x) &\coloneqq
g_{\xi}(x)\mathbb{E}\left[ v_k^2 \vert \xi_k = x \right], \forall x
\in \mathbb{R}
and \(RN^{*, \tilde{\lambda}}}\), \(f^{*,\tilde{\lambda}}_{g, \pm}\)
as defined in ??? and ??? respectively.
In order to proof Theo~\ref{theo:main1} we need to proof a number of
auxilary Lemmata first.