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; Example program (c) by Anton Lydike
; this calculates the fibonacci sequence and stores it in ram
fibs: .space 56
addi s1, zero, 0 ; storage index
addi s2, zero, 56 ; last storage index
addi t0, zero, 1 ; t0 = F_{i}
addi t1, zero, 1 ; t1 = F_{i+1}
ebreak ; launch debugger
sw t0, fibs(s1) ; save
add t2, t1, t0 ; t2 = F_{i+2}
addi t0, t1, 0 ; t0 = t1
addi t1, t2, 0 ; t1 = t2
addi s1, s1, 4 ; increment storage pointer
blt s1, s2, loop ; loop as long as we did not reach array length
; exit gracefully
ebreak ; launch debugger
addi a0, zero, 0
addi a7, zero, 93
scall ; exit with code 0