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RiscEmu (c) 2021 Anton Lydike
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
from ..instructions.RV32I import *
from ..Exceptions import INS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
from .Exceptions import *
from .privmodes import PrivModes
import typing
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
from riscemu.priv.PrivCPU import PrivCPU
class PrivRV32I(RV32I):
cpu: 'PrivCPU'
This is an extension of RV32I, written for the PrivCPU class
def instruction_csrrw(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rd, rs, csr_addr = self.parse_crs_ins(ins)
old_val = None
if rd != 'zero':
self.cpu.csr.assert_can_read(self.cpu.mode, csr_addr)
old_val = self.cpu.csr.get(csr_addr)
if rs != 'zero':
new_val = self.regs.get(rs)
self.cpu.csr.assert_can_write(self.cpu.mode, csr_addr)
self.cpu.csr.set(csr_addr, new_val)
if old_val is not None:
self.regs.set(rd, old_val)
def instruction_csrrs(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rd, rs, csr_addr = self.parse_crs_ins(ins)
if rs != 'zero':
# oh no, this should not happen!
if rd != 'zero':
self.cpu.csr.assert_can_read(self.cpu.mode, csr_addr)
old_val = self.cpu.csr.get(csr_addr)
self.regs.set(rd, old_val)
def instruction_csrrc(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
def instruction_csrrsi(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
def instruction_csrrwi(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
ASSERT_LEN(ins.args, 3)
rd, imm, addr = ins.get_reg(0), ins.get_imm(1), ins.get_imm(2)
if rd != 'zero':
self.cpu.csr.assert_can_read(self.cpu.mode, addr)
old_val = self.cpu.csr.get(addr)
self.regs.set(rd, old_val)
self.cpu.csr.assert_can_write(self.cpu.mode, addr)
self.cpu.csr.set(addr, imm)
def instruction_csrrci(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
def instruction_mret(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
if self.cpu.mode != PrivModes.MACHINE:
print("MRET not inside machine level code!")
raise IllegalInstructionTrap(ins)
# retore mie
mpie = self.cpu.csr.get_mstatus('mpie')
self.cpu.csr.set_mstatus('mie', mpie)
# restore priv
mpp = self.cpu.csr.get_mstatus('mpp')
self.cpu.mode = PrivModes(mpp)
# restore pc
mepc = self.cpu.csr.get('mepc')
self.cpu.pc = mepc
def instruction_uret(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
raise IllegalInstructionTrap(ins)
def instruction_sret(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
raise IllegalInstructionTrap(ins)
def instruction_scall(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
Overwrite the scall from userspace RV32I
raise EcallTrap(self.cpu.mode)
def instruction_beq(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rs1, rs2, dst = self.parse_rs_rs_imm(ins)
if rs1 == rs2:
self.pc += dst - 4
def instruction_bne(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rs1, rs2, dst = self.parse_rs_rs_imm(ins)
if rs1 != rs2:
self.pc += dst - 4
def instruction_blt(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rs1, rs2, dst = self.parse_rs_rs_imm(ins)
if rs1 < rs2:
self.pc += dst - 4
def instruction_bge(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rs1, rs2, dst = self.parse_rs_rs_imm(ins)
if rs1 >= rs2:
self.pc += dst - 4
def instruction_bltu(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rs1, rs2, dst = self.parse_rs_rs_imm(ins, signed=False)
if rs1 < rs2:
self.pc += dst - 4
def instruction_bgeu(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
rs1, rs2, dst = self.parse_rs_rs_imm(ins, signed=False)
if rs1 >= rs2:
self.pc += dst - 4
# technically deprecated
def instruction_j(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
raise NotImplementedError("Should never be reached!")
def instruction_jal(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
ASSERT_LEN(ins.args, 2)
reg = ins.get_reg(0)
addr = ins.get_imm(1)
self.regs.set(reg, self.pc)
self.pc += addr - 4
def instruction_jalr(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
ASSERT_LEN(ins.args, 3)
rd, rs, imm = self.parse_rd_rs_imm(ins)
self.regs.set(rd, self.pc)
self.pc = rs + imm - 4
def instruction_sbreak(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
raise LaunchDebuggerException()
def parse_crs_ins(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction'):
ASSERT_LEN(ins.args, 3)
return ins.get_reg(0), ins.get_reg(1), ins.get_imm(2)
def parse_mem_ins(self, ins: 'LoadedInstruction') -> Tuple[str, int]:
ASSERT_LEN(ins.args, 3)
addr = self.get_reg_content(ins, 1) + ins.get_imm(2)
reg = ins.get_reg(0)
return reg, addr