You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
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from collections import defaultdict
from .formats import *
tbl = lambda: defaultdict(tbl)
RV32 = tbl()
RV32[0x1B] = "jal"
RV32[0x0D] = "lui"
RV32[0x05] = "auipc"
RV32[0x19][0] = "jalr"
RV32[0x04][0] = "addi"
RV32[0x04][1] = "slli"
RV32[0x04][2] = "slti"
RV32[0x04][3] = "sltiu"
RV32[0x04][4] = "xori"
RV32[0x04][5][0x00] = "srli"
RV32[0x04][5][0x20] = "srai"
RV32[0x04][6] = "ori"
RV32[0x04][7] = "andi"
RV32[0x18][0] = "beq"
RV32[0x18][1] = "bne"
RV32[0x18][4] = "blt"
RV32[0x18][5] = "bge"
RV32[0x18][6] = "bltu"
RV32[0x18][7] = "bgeu"
RV32[0x00][0] = "lb"
RV32[0x00][1] = "lh"
RV32[0x00][2] = "lw"
RV32[0x00][4] = "lbu"
RV32[0x00][5] = "lhu"
RV32[0x08][0] = "sb"
RV32[0x08][1] = "sh"
RV32[0x08][2] = "sw"
RV32[0x1C][1] = "csrrw"
RV32[0x1C][2] = "csrrs"
RV32[0x1C][3] = "csrrc"
RV32[0x1C][5] = "csrrwi"
RV32[0x1C][6] = "csrrsi"
RV32[0x1C][7] = "csrrci"
RV32[0x1C][0][0] = "ecall"
RV32[0x1C][0][1] = "ebreak"
RV32[0x0C][0][0] = "add"
RV32[0x0C][0][32] = "sub"
RV32[0x0C][1][0] = "sll"
RV32[0x0C][2][0] = "slt"
RV32[0x0C][3][0] = "sltu"
RV32[0x0C][4][0] = "xor"
RV32[0x0C][5][0] = "srl"
RV32[0x0C][5][32] = "sra"
RV32[0x0C][6][0] = "or"
RV32[0x0C][7][0] = "and"
# rv32m
RV32[0x0C][0][1] = "mul"
RV32[0x0C][1][1] = "mulh"
RV32[0x0C][2][1] = "mulhsu"
RV32[0x0C][3][1] = "mulhu"
RV32[0x0C][4][1] = "div"
RV32[0x0C][5][1] = "divu"
RV32[0x0C][6][1] = "rem"
RV32[0x0C][7][1] = "remu"
# rv32a
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b00010] = "lr.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b00011] = "sc.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b00001] = "amoswap.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b00000] = "amoadd.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b00100] = "amoxor.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b01100] = "amoand.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b01000] = "amoor.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b10000] = "amomin.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b10100] = "amomax.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b11000] = "amominu.w"
RV32[0b1011][0b10][0b11100] = "amomaxu.w"