@ -26,10 +26,13 @@ The [`read` syscall](docs/syscalls.md) defaults to readline behaviour. Reading "
See the docs on [asembly](docs/assembly.md) for more detail on how to write assembly code for this emulator.
See the [list of implemented syscalls](docs/syscalls.md) for more details on how to syscall.
Currently, symbols (such as `main:`) are looked-up at runtime. This allows for better debugging, I believe.
Currently, symbols (such as `main` or `loop`) are looked-up at runtime. This allows for better debugging, I believe.
Basic IO should work, as open, read, write and close are supported for stdin/stdout/stderr and even aribtrary file paths (if enabled)
When trying to run an assembly program, the emulator first tries to find a symbol named `_start`, then a symbol named `main`. if both
symbols were not found in the file, it simply starts at the beginning of the `.text` segment.
## Using the CLI:
*Current CLI is not final, options may change frequently until a stable version is reached*