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#!/usr/bin/env fish
# settings:
set step 0.002 # power increase for each frame
set start 1 # starting power
set end 3 # end power
# internal vars:
set counter 1 # internal counter for numbering images
set pos "$start" # current power
# render a frame. power is $argv[1] and counter is $argv[2]
function render
./march.out $argv[1] "out/3/"(num $argv[2])".bmp" > /dev/null
# pad counter with zeroes to the left
function num
printf "%05i" $argv[1]
# iterate over all frames and draw them
while test "$pos" -lt "$end"
render "$pos" "$counter"
set pos (math "$pos" + "$step")
set counter (math $counter + 1)
set percent (math "ceil((($pos - $start) / ($end - $start)) * 100)")
echo -ne "\r$percent% ($start -> $pos -> $end) "
echo to convert the frames to a video, use ffmpeg like this:
echo ffmpeg -r 60 -f image2 -s 1080x1080 -i %05d.bmp -vcodec h264 -crf 20 animation.mp4
echo explanation:
echo " -r 60 60 fps output video"
echo " -s 1080x1080 video resolution"
echo " -i %u5d.bmp file name format"
echo " -vcoded h264 video codec"
echo " -crf 20 quality. 25 is best, 15 is pretty bad"