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186 lines
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// use floats instead of doubles
#define DTYPE float
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "src/point.h"
#include "src/camera.h"
#include "images/src/images.h"
#define ITERS 100
#define POWER 3
#define SIZE 1000
#define STEP_WIDTH (2 / ((DTYPE) (SIZE - 1)))
#define CAM_POSITION 1.35
#define STEPS 100
#define THRESHOLD 0.001
#include <openacc.h>
float mandelbulb_dist(struct point pt)
DTYPE power = POWER;
struct point z = pt;
DTYPE dr = 1.0;
DTYPE r = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < ITERS ; i++) {
r = pt_length(z);
if (r>2) {
// convert to polar coordinates
DTYPE theta = acos(z.z/r);
DTYPE phi = atan2(z.y,z.x);
dr = pow(r, power-1.0)*power*dr + 1.0;
// scale and rotate the point
DTYPE zr = pow(r, power);
theta = theta*power;
phi = phi*power;
// convert back to cartesian coordinates
z = (struct point) {
.x = sin(theta)*cos(phi) * zr + pt.x,
.y = sin(phi)*sin(theta) * zr + pt.y,
.z = cos(theta) * zr + pt.z
return 0.5*log(r)*r/dr;
struct setup {
struct point p0; // origin
struct point direction; // ray direction
struct point x; // ray movement in col
struct point y; // ray movement in row
struct setup make_setup()
// set up camera
struct camera cam;
cam.fov = 90;
camera_set_looking_at(&cam, (struct point){.x=CAM_POSITION, .y= CAM_POSITION, .z = CAM_POSITION}, PT_ZERO);
struct point span_z, span_xy;
// get rotation axis
pt_orthogonal_plane(cam.direction, &span_z, &span_xy);
printf("rendering %ix%ipx\n", SIZE, SIZE);
// distance each ray has from anothe on the ortogonal plane
//DTYPE step_dist = 2 / (DTYPE) (width - 1);
// vectors to move on the projection plane
struct point move_right = pt_scale(span_xy, STEP_WIDTH);
struct point move_up = pt_scale(span_z, STEP_WIDTH);;
// set starting point
struct point starting_point = pt_normalize(cam.direction);
// rotate starting point to (0,0)
starting_point = pt_add(starting_point, pt_mult(move_right, - SIZE / (DTYPE) 2));
starting_point = pt_add(starting_point, pt_mult(move_up, - SIZE / (DTYPE) 2));
return (struct setup) {
cam.location, starting_point, span_xy, span_z
int main()
struct setup setup = make_setup();
struct point start = setup.p0;
//printf("device num acc_device_current: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_current));
//printf("device num acc_device_none: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_none));
//printf("device num acc_device_default: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_default));
//printf("device num acc_device_host: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_host));
//printf("device num acc_device_not_host: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_not_host));
//printf("device num acc_device_nvidia: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_nvidia));
//printf("device num acc_device_radeon: %d\n", acc_get_num_devices(acc_device_radeon));
// get backing buff
int* buff = calloc(sizeof(int), SIZE * SIZE);
// indicate malloc failure
if (buff == NULL)
return -255;
printf("Before kernel\n");
#pragma acc data copy(buff)
// kernel goes brr
#pragma acc kernels
for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
// get direction
struct point offset = pt_add(pt_mult(setup.x, STEP_WIDTH * x), pt_mult(setup.y, STEP_WIDTH * y));
struct point direction = pt_add(setup.direction, offset);
// get start
struct point loc = start;
// march!
DTYPE dist;
int res = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < STEPS; i++) {
dist = mandelbulb_dist(loc);
if (dist < THRESHOLD) {
res = i;
if (dist > 100) {
loc = pt_add(loc, pt_scale(direction, dist));
buff[y * SIZE + x] = res;
printf("after kernel\n");
// convert distance field into image
Image img;
// initialize shared pixel buffer
image_new(SIZE, SIZE, &img);
#pragma acc parallel
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) {
#pragma acc loop
for (unsigned int y = 0; y < SIZE; y++) {
if (buff[y * SIZE + x] < 0) {
image_set_px(img, x, y, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
// float in range of [0,1]
DTYPE fac = buff[y * SIZE + x] / (DTYPE) STEPS;
// calc shade
int shade = ((1-fac) * 255);
image_set_px(img, x, y, shade, shade, shade);
printf("after encoding\n");
image_save_bmp(img, "gpu-goes-brrrrrrr.bmp");
return 0;