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%% Template for MLP Coursework 2 / 13 November 2023
%% Based on LaTeX template for ICML 2017 - example_paper.tex at
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\mlptitle{MLP Coursework 2}
\vskip 7mm
Deep neural networks have become the state-of-the-art
in many standard computer vision problems thanks to their powerful
representations and availability of large labeled datasets.
While very deep networks allow for learning more levels of abstractions in their layers from the data, training these models successfully is a challenging task due to problematic gradient flow through the layers, known as vanishing/exploding gradient problem.
In this report, we first analyze this problem in VGG models with 8 and 38 hidden layers on the CIFAR100 image dataset, by monitoring the gradient flow during training.
We explore known solutions to this problem including batch normalization or residual connections, and explain their theory and implementation details.
Our experiments show that batch normalization and residual connections effectively address the aforementioned problem and hence enable a deeper model to outperform shallower ones in the same experimental setup.
Despite the remarkable progress of modern convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in image classification problems~\cite{simonyan2014very, he2016deep}, training very deep networks is a challenging procedure.
One of the major problems is the Vanishing Gradient Problem (VGP), a phenomenon where the gradients of the error function with respect to network weights shrink to zero, as they backpropagate to earlier layers, hence preventing effective weight updates.
This phenomenon is prevalent and has been extensively studied in various deep neural networks including feedforward networks~\cite{glorot2010understanding}, RNNs~\cite{bengio1993problem}, and CNNs~\cite{he2016deep}.
Multiple solutions have been proposed to mitigate this problem by using weight initialization strategies~\cite{glorot2010understanding},
activation functions~\cite{glorot2010understanding}, input normalization~\cite{bishop1995neural},
batch normalization~\cite{ioffe2015batch}, and shortcut connections \cite{he2016deep, huang2017densely}.
This report focuses on diagnosing the VGP occurring in the VGG38 model\footnote{VGG stands for the Visual Geometry Group in the University of Oxford.} and addressing it by implementing two standard solutions.
In particular, we first study a ``broken'' network in terms of its gradient flow, L1 norm of gradients with respect to its weights for each layer and contrast it to ones in the healthy and shallower VGG08 to pinpoint the problem.
Next, we review two standard solutions for this problem, batch normalization (BN)~\cite{ioffe2015batch} and residual connections (RC)~\cite{he2016deep} in detail and discuss how they can address the gradient problem.
We first incorporate batch normalization (denoted as VGG38+BN), residual connections (denoted as VGG38+RC), and their combination (denoted as VGG38+BN+RC) to the given VGG38 architecture.
We train the resulting three configurations, and VGG08 and VGG38 models on CIFAR100 (pronounced as `see far 100' ) dataset and present the results.
The results show that though separate use of BN and RC does mitigate the vanishing/exploding gradient problem, therefore enabling effective training of the VGG38 model, the best results are obtained by combining both BN and RC.
\section{Identifying training problems of a deep CNN}
\caption{Cross entropy error per epoch}
\caption{Classification accuracy per epoch}
\caption{Training curves for VGG08 and VGG38 in terms of (a) cross-entropy error and (b) classification accuracy}
\caption{Gradient flow on VGG08}
Concretely, training deep neural networks typically involves three steps: forward
pass, backward pass (or backpropagation algorithm~\cite{rumelhart1986learning}) and weight update.
The first step involves passing the input $\bx^{(0)}$ to the network and producing
the network prediction and also the error value.
In detail, each layer takes in the output of the previous layer and applies
a non-linear transformation:
\bx^{(l)} = f^{(l)}(\bx^{(l-1)}; W^{(l)})
where $(l)$ denotes the $l$-th layer in $L$ layer deep network,
$f^{(l)}(\cdot,W^{(l)})$ is a non-linear transformation for layer $l$, and $W^{(l)}$ are the weights of layer $l$.
For instance, $f^{(l)}$ is typically a convolution operation followed by an activation function in convolutional neural networks.
The second step involves the backpropagation algorithm, where we calculate the gradient of an error function $E$ (\textit{e.g.} cross-entropy) for each layer's weight as follows:
\frac{\partial E}{\partial W^{(l)}} = \frac{\partial E}{\partial \bx^{(L)}} \frac{\partial \bx^{(L)}}{\partial \bx^{(L-1)}} \dots \frac{\partial \bx^{(l+1)}}{\partial \bx^{(l)}}\frac{\partial \bx^{(l)}}{\partial W^{(l)}}.
This step includes consecutive tensor multiplications between multiple
partial derivative terms.
The final step involves updating model weights by using the computed
$\frac{\partial E}{\partial W^{(l)}}$ with an update rule.
The exact update rule depends on the optimizer.
A notorious problem for training deep neural networks is the vanishing/exploding gradient
problem~\cite{bengio1993problem} that typically occurs in the backpropagation step when some of partial gradient terms in Eq.~\ref{eq.bprop} includes values larger or smaller than 1.
In this case, due to the multiple consecutive multiplications, the gradients \textit{w.r.t.} weights can get exponentially very small (close to 0) or very large (close to infinity) and
prevent effective learning of network weights.
Figures~\ref{fig:grad_flow_08} and \ref{fig:grad_flow_38} depict the gradient flows through VGG architectures \cite{simonyan2014very} with 8 and 38 layers respectively, trained and evaluated for a total of 100 epochs on the CIFAR100 dataset. \questionOne.
\section{Background Literature}
In this section we will highlight some of the most influential
papers that have been central to overcoming the VGP in
deep CNNs.
\paragraph{Batch Normalization}\cite{ioffe2015batch}
BN seeks to solve the problem of
internal covariate shift (ICS), when distribution of each layers
inputs changes during training, as the parameters of the previous layers change.
The authors argue that without batch normalization, the distribution of
each layers inputs can vary significantly due to the stochastic nature of randomly sampling mini-batches from your
training set.
Layers in the network hence must continuously adapt to these high variance distributions which hinders the rate of convergence gradient-based optimizers.
This optimization problem is exacerbated further with network depth due
to the updating of parameters at layer $l$ being dependent on
the previous $l-1$ layers.
It is hence beneficial to embed the normalization of
training data into the network architecture after work from
LeCun \emph{et al.} showed that training converges faster with
this addition \cite{lecun2012efficient}. Through standardizing
the inputs to each layer, we take a step towards achieving
the fixed distributions of inputs that remove the ill effects
of ICS. Ioffe and Szegedy demonstrate the effectiveness of
their technique through training an ensemble of BN
networks which achieve an accuracy on the ImageNet classification
task exceeding that of humans in 14 times fewer
training steps than the state-of-the-art of the time.
It should be noted, however, that the exact reason for BNs effectiveness is still not completely understood and it is
an open research question~\cite{santurkar2018does}.
\paragraph{Residual networks (ResNet)}\cite{he2016deep} A well-known way of mitigating the VGP is proposed by He~\emph{et al.} in \cite{he2016deep}. In their paper, the authors depict the error curves of a 20 layer and a 56 layer network to motivate their method. Both training and testing error of the 56 layer network are significantly higher than of the shallower one.
Residual networks, colloquially
known as ResNets, aim to alleviate VGP through the
incorporation of skip connections that bypass the linear
transformations into the network architecture.
The authors argue that this new mapping is significantly easier
to optimize since if an identity mapping were optimal, the
network could comfortably learn to push the residual to
zero rather than attempting to fit an identity mapping via
a stack of nonlinear layers.
They bolster their argument
by successfully training ResNets with depths exceeding
1000 layers on the CIFAR10 dataset.
Prior to their work, training even a 100-layer was accepted
as a great challenge within the deep learning community.
The addition of skip connections solves the VGP through
enabling information to flow more freely throughout the
network architecture without the addition of neither extra
parameters, nor computational complexity.
\section{Solution overview}
\subsection{Batch normalization}
BN has been a standard component in the state-of-the-art
convolutional neural networks \cite{he2016deep,huang2017densely}.
% As mentioned in Section~\ref{sec:lit_rev},
Concretely, BN is a
layer transformation that is performed to whiten the activations
originating from each layer.
As computing full dataset statistics at each training iteration
would be computationally expensive, BN computes batch statistics
to approximate them.
Given a minibatch of $B$ training samples and their feature maps
$X = (\bx^1, \bx^2,\ldots , \bx^B)$ at an arbitrary layer where $X \in \mathbb{R}^{B\times H \times W \times C}$, $H, W$ are the height, width of the feature map and $C$ is the number of channels, the batch normalization first computes the following statistics:
\mu_c &= \frac{1}{BWH} \sum_{n=1}^{B}\sum_{i,j=1}^{H,W} \bx_{cij}^{n}\\
\sigma^2_c &= \frac{1}{BWH}
\sum_{n=1}^{B}\sum_{i,j=1}^{H,W} (\bx_{cij}^{n} - \mu_{c})^2
\end{align} where $c$, $i$, $j$ denote the index values for $y$, $x$ and channel coordinates of feature maps, and $\bm{\mu}$ and $\bm{\sigma}^2$ are the mean and variance of the batch.
BN applies the following operation on each feature map in batch B for every $c,i,j$:
\text{BN}(\bx_{cij}) = \frac{\bx_{cij} - \mu_{c}}{\sqrt{\sigma^2_{c}} + \epsilon} * \gamma_{c} + \beta_{c}
\end{equation} where $\gamma \in \mathbb{R}^C$ and $\beta\in \mathbb{R}^C$ are learnable parameters and $\epsilon$ is a small constant introduced to ensure numerical stability.
At inference time, using batch statistics is a poor choice as it introduces noise in the evaluation and might not even be well defined. Therefore, $\bm{\mu}$ and $\bm{\sigma}$ are replaced by running averages of the mean and variance computed during training, which is a better approximation of the full dataset statistics.
Recent work
has shown that BatchNorm has a more fundamental
benefit of smoothing the optimization landscape during
training \cite{santurkar2018does} thus enhancing the predictive
power of gradients as our guide to the global minimum.
Furthermore, a smoother optimization landscape should
additionally enable the use of a wider range of learning
rates and initialization schemes which is congruent with the
findings of Ioffe and Szegedy in the original BatchNorm
\subsection{Residual connections}
Residual connections are another approach used in the state-of-the-art Residual Networks~\cite{he2016deep} to tackle the vanishing gradient problem.
Introduced by He et. al.~\cite{he2016deep}, a residual block consists of a
convolution (or group of convolutions) layer, ``short-circuited'' with an identity mapping.
More precisely, given a mapping $F^{(b)}$ that denotes the transformation of the block $b$ (multiple consecutive layers), $F^{(b)}$ is applied to its input
feature map $\bx^{(b-1)}$ as $\bx^{(b)} = \bx^{(b-1)} + {F}(\bx^{(b-1)})$.
Intuitively, stacking residual blocks creates an architecture where inputs of each blocks
are given two paths : passing through the convolution or skipping to the next layer. A residual network can therefore be seen as an ensemble model averaging every sub-network
created by choosing one of the two paths. The skip connections allow gradients to flow
easily into early layers, since
\frac{\partial \bx^{(b)}}{\partial \bx^{(b-1)}} = \mathbbm{1} + \frac{\partial{F}(\bx^{(b-1)})}{\partial \bx^{(b-1)}}
\end{equation} where $\bx^{(b-1)} \in \mathbb{R}^{C \times H \times W }$ and $\mathbbm{1}$ is a $\mathbb{R}^{C \times H \times W}$-dimensional tensor with entries 1 where $C$, $H$ and $W$ denote the number of feature maps, its height and width respectively.
Importantly, $\mathbbm{1}$ prevents the zero gradient flow.
\section{Experiment Setup}
We conduct our experiment on the CIFAR100 dataset \cite{krizhevsky2009learning},
which consists of 60,000 32x32 colour images from 100 different classes. The number of samples per class is balanced, and the
samples are split into training, validation, and test set while
maintaining balanced class proportions. In total, there are 47,500; 2,500; and 10,000 instances in the training, validation,
and test set, respectively. Moreover, we apply data augmentation strategies (cropping, horizontal flipping) to improve the generalization of the model.
With the goal of understanding whether BN or skip connections
help fighting vanishing gradients, we first test these
methods independently, before combining them in an attempt
to fully exploit the depth of the VGG38 model.
All experiments are conducted using the Adam optimizer with the default
learning rate (1e-3) -- unless otherwise specified, cosine annealing and a batch size of 100
for 100 epochs.
Additionally, training images are augmented with random
cropping and horizontal flipping.
Note that we do not use data augmentation at test time.
These hyperparameters along with the augmentation strategy are used
to produce the results shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:curves}.
When used, BN is applied
after each convolutional layer, before the Leaky
ReLU non-linearity.
Similarly, the skip connections are applied from
before the convolution layer to before the final activation function
of the block as per Fig.~2 of \cite{he2016deep}.
Note that adding residual connections between the feature maps before and after downsampling requires special treatment, as there is a dimension mismatch between them.
Therefore in the coursework, we do not use residual connections in the down-sampling blocks. However, please note that batch normalization should still be implemented for these blocks.
\subsection{Residual Connections to Downsampling Layers}
\section{Results and Discussion}