import argparse import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tqdm from data_providers import CIFAR10DataProvider from network_builder import ClassifierNetworkGraph from utils.parser_utils import ParserClass from import build_experiment_folder, save_statistics tf.reset_default_graph() # resets any previous graphs to clear memory parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Welcome to CNN experiments script') # generates an argument parser parser_extractor = ParserClass(parser=parser) # creates a parser class to process the parsed input batch_size, seed, epochs, logs_path, continue_from_epoch, tensorboard_enable, batch_norm, \ strided_dim_reduction, experiment_prefix, dropout_rate_value = parser_extractor.get_argument_variables() # returns a list of objects that contain # our parsed input experiment_name = "experiment_{}_batch_size_{}_bn_{}_mp_{}".format(experiment_prefix, batch_size, batch_norm, strided_dim_reduction) # generate experiment name rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=seed) # set seed train_data = CIFAR10DataProvider(which_set="train", batch_size=batch_size, rng=rng) val_data = CIFAR10DataProvider(which_set="valid", batch_size=batch_size, rng=rng) test_data = CIFAR10DataProvider(which_set="test", batch_size=batch_size, rng=rng) # setup our data providers print("Running {}".format(experiment_name)) print("Starting from epoch {}".format(continue_from_epoch)) saved_models_filepath, logs_filepath = build_experiment_folder(experiment_name, logs_path) # generate experiment dir # Placeholder setup data_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, train_data.inputs.shape[1], train_data.inputs.shape[2], train_data.inputs.shape[3]], 'data-inputs') data_targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size], 'data-targets') training_phase = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='training-flag') rotate_data = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='rotate-flag') dropout_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='dropout-prob') classifier_network = ClassifierNetworkGraph(input_x=data_inputs, target_placeholder=data_targets, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, batch_size=batch_size, num_channels=train_data.inputs.shape[2], n_classes=train_data.num_classes, is_training=training_phase, augment_rotate_flag=rotate_data, strided_dim_reduction=strided_dim_reduction, use_batch_normalization=batch_norm) # initialize our computational graph if continue_from_epoch == -1: # if this is a new experiment and not continuation of a previous one then generate a new # statistics file save_statistics(logs_filepath, "result_summary_statistics", ["epoch", "train_c_loss", "train_c_accuracy", "val_c_loss", "val_c_accuracy", "test_c_loss", "test_c_accuracy"], create=True) start_epoch = continue_from_epoch if continue_from_epoch != -1 else 0 # if new experiment start from 0 otherwise # continue where left off summary_op, losses_ops, c_error_opt_op = classifier_network.init_train() # get graph operations (ops) total_train_batches = train_data.num_batches total_val_batches = val_data.num_batches total_test_batches = test_data.num_batches best_epoch = 0 if tensorboard_enable: print("saved tensorboard file at", logs_filepath) writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logs_filepath, graph=tf.get_default_graph()) init = tf.global_variables_initializer() # initialization op for the graph with tf.Session() as sess: # actually running the initialization op train_saver = tf.train.Saver() # saver object that will save our graph so we can reload it later for continuation of val_saver = tf.train.Saver() # training or inference if continue_from_epoch != -1: train_saver.restore(sess, "{}/{}_{}.ckpt".format(saved_models_filepath, experiment_name, continue_from_epoch)) # restore previous graph to continue operations best_val_accuracy = 0. with tqdm.tqdm(total=epochs) as epoch_pbar: for e in range(start_epoch, epochs): total_c_loss = 0. total_accuracy = 0. with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_train_batches) as pbar_train: for batch_idx, (x_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(train_data): iter_id = e * total_train_batches + batch_idx _, c_loss_value, acc = [c_error_opt_op, losses_ops["crossentropy_losses"], losses_ops["accuracy"]], feed_dict={dropout_rate: dropout_rate_value, data_inputs: x_batch, data_targets: y_batch, training_phase: True, rotate_data: False}) # Here we execute the c_error_opt_op which trains the network and also the ops that compute the # loss and accuracy, we save those in _, c_loss_value and acc respectively. total_c_loss += c_loss_value # add loss of current iter to sum total_accuracy += acc # add acc of current iter to sum iter_out = "iter_num: {}, train_loss: {}, train_accuracy: {}".format(iter_id, total_c_loss / (batch_idx + 1), total_accuracy / ( batch_idx + 1)) # show # iter statistics using running averages of previous iter within this epoch pbar_train.set_description(iter_out) pbar_train.update(1) if tensorboard_enable and batch_idx % 25 == 0: # save tensorboard summary every 25 iterations _summary = summary_op, feed_dict={dropout_rate: dropout_rate_value, data_inputs: x_batch, data_targets: y_batch, training_phase: True, rotate_data: False}) writer.add_summary(_summary, global_step=iter_id) total_c_loss /= total_train_batches # compute mean of los total_accuracy /= total_train_batches # compute mean of accuracy save_path =, "{}/{}_{}.ckpt".format(saved_models_filepath, experiment_name, e)) # save graph and weights print("Saved current model at", save_path) total_val_c_loss = 0. total_val_accuracy = 0. # run validation stage, note how training_phase placeholder is set to False # and that we do not run the c_error_opt_op which runs gradient descent, but instead only call the loss ops # to collect losses on the validation set with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_val_batches) as pbar_val: for batch_idx, (x_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(val_data): c_loss_value, acc = [losses_ops["crossentropy_losses"], losses_ops["accuracy"]], feed_dict={dropout_rate: dropout_rate_value, data_inputs: x_batch, data_targets: y_batch, training_phase: False, rotate_data: False}) total_val_c_loss += c_loss_value total_val_accuracy += acc iter_out = "val_loss: {}, val_accuracy: {}".format(total_val_c_loss / (batch_idx + 1), total_val_accuracy / (batch_idx + 1)) pbar_val.set_description(iter_out) pbar_val.update(1) total_val_c_loss /= total_val_batches total_val_accuracy /= total_val_batches if best_val_accuracy < total_val_accuracy: # check if val acc better than the previous best and if # so save current as best and save the model as the best validation model to be used on the test set # after the final epoch best_val_accuracy = total_val_accuracy best_epoch = e save_path =, "{}/best_validation_{}_{}.ckpt".format(saved_models_filepath, experiment_name, e)) print("Saved best validation score model at", save_path) epoch_pbar.update(1) # save statistics of this epoch, train and val without test set performance save_statistics(logs_filepath, "result_summary_statistics", [e, total_c_loss, total_accuracy, total_val_c_loss, total_val_accuracy, -1, -1]) val_saver.restore(sess, "{}/best_validation_{}_{}.ckpt".format(saved_models_filepath, experiment_name, best_epoch)) # restore model with best performance on validation set total_test_c_loss = 0. total_test_accuracy = 0. # computer test loss and accuracy and save with tqdm.tqdm(total=total_test_batches) as pbar_test: for batch_id, (x_batch, y_batch) in enumerate(test_data): c_loss_value, acc = [losses_ops["crossentropy_losses"], losses_ops["accuracy"]], feed_dict={dropout_rate: dropout_rate_value, data_inputs: x_batch, data_targets: y_batch, training_phase: False, rotate_data: False}) total_test_c_loss += c_loss_value total_test_accuracy += acc iter_out = "test_loss: {}, test_accuracy: {}".format(total_test_c_loss / (batch_idx + 1), acc / (batch_idx + 1)) pbar_test.set_description(iter_out) pbar_test.update(1) total_test_c_loss /= total_test_batches total_test_accuracy /= total_test_batches save_statistics(logs_filepath, "result_summary_statistics", ["test set performance", -1, -1, -1, -1, total_test_c_loss, total_test_accuracy])