diff --git a/notes/._remote-working-guide.md b/notes/._remote-working-guide.md
index 2d5c71f..b554f75 100644
Binary files a/notes/._remote-working-guide.md and b/notes/._remote-working-guide.md differ
diff --git a/notes/remote-working-guide.md b/notes/remote-working-guide.md
index abb7d55..dc904b9 100644
--- a/notes/remote-working-guide.md
+++ b/notes/remote-working-guide.md
@@ -114,25 +114,25 @@ Here we provide a detailed guide for setting-up PuTTY with tunnel forwarding so
Change the remaining options as is in the screenshot below.
2. Now navigate to **Connection** and drop-down on **Data**. In **Auto-Login username** , enter your student id `sXXXXXXX`.
3. After step 1 and 2, follow the instructions [here](http://computing.help.inf.ed.ac.uk/installing-putty) from screenshots 3-5 to set-up **Auth** and **X11 Forwarding**. To avoid errors later, strictly follow the instructions for this set-up.
4. In this step, we will configure SSH tunneling to locally run the notebooks. On the left side of the PuTTY window, navigate to **Tunnels** under SSH and then add a `[local-port]` in **Source port** and `localhost:[local-port]` in **Destination**. Remember the `[local-port]` you used here as we will need this later.
Then press **Add** near the Source port box to add your new forwarded port. Once you add, you will see your newly added port as shown below -
5. After you have done steps 1-4, navigate back to **Session** on the left side and click **Save** to save all your current configurations.
6. Then click **Open** and a terminal window will pop-up asking for your DICE password. After you enter the password, you will be logged in to SSH Gateway Server. As the message printed when you log in points out this is intended only for accessing the Informatics network externally and you should not attempt to work on this server. You should log in to one of the student.compute shared-use servers by running -