@ -113,6 +113,25 @@ trap_vector:
.option pop
jal trap_handle
#ifdef __risc_no_ext
// "dumb" memset, if RV32M is not present on the target
// since memset is currently only used at startup, the performance implications
// should be minimal.
bge a1, a2, 2f
sw a0, 0(a1)
addi a1, a1, 4
blt a1, a2, 1b
// "smart" memset, writing 32 bytes at a time. uses RV32M. If not present,
// the "dumb" fallback above is used.
// write a0 to memory starting at a1, until a2 (both must be four byte aligned)
// this uses a loop which writes 32 (numbytes) bytes at a time
// to prevent overshooting the end, we first calulate how many instructions to