#include "kernel.h"
#include "ktypes.h"
#include "ecall.h"
#include "sched.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "malloc.h"
void read_binary_table();
extern struct process_control_block processes[PROCESS_COUNT];
// this array is populated when the memory image is built, therefore it should
// resign in a section which is not overwritten with zeros on startup
loaded_binary binary_table[NUM_BINARIES] __attribute__ ((section(".data")));
extern void memset(unsigned int, void*, void*);
extern void init()
dbgln("Kernel started!", 15);
// initialize scheduler
// initialize tabel for associating ecall codes with their handlers
// read supplied binaries, this will call malloc_init with the memory layout
// then it will create a new process for each loaded binary
// give control to the scheudler and start runnign user programs
void read_binary_table()
char msg[28] = "found bin with id 0 at pos 0";
malloc_info info;
info.allocate_memory_end = (void*) 0xFF0000;
info.allocate_memory_start = (void*) 0;
// calculate the end of loaded binaries
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BINARIES; i++) {
if (binary_table[i].binid == 0)
// print message
msg[18] = (char) binary_table[i].binid + '0';
msg[27] = (char) i + '0';
dbgln(msg, 28);
info.allocate_memory_start = binary_table[i].bounds[1];
// initialize malloc
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BINARIES; i++) {
if (binary_table[i].binid == 0)
// create a new process for each binary found
// it should have around 4kb stack
optional_pcbptr res = create_new_process(binary_table + i, 1 << 12);
if (has_error(res)) {
dbgln("Error creating initial process!", 31);